2025 Water Damage Repair Project

“The house of God is the Church, his marvelous dwelling place, filled with joyful voices giving thanks and praise, filled with all the sounds of festive celebration.” +St. Jerome of Stridon

Please help us repair our roof and preserve our church.

Many of us have, at one time or another, given thought to the future of our church.

Aesthetically, our church is woven into the texture of our community, providing a thread of continuity with the past. Spiritually, our church is at the center of our religious life. It’s more than just a building—it is a temple! It’s our home for the divine, where we reinvigorate our relationship with Christ, and the source of nourishment for our spiritual lives.

Our church fills up at Christmas and Pascha, and for weddings, funerals and Baptisms—all the threshold moments of our Christian lives.

But… will our church be here for our children? For our children’s children? For our loved ones? For our community? For those seeking Jesus Christ and His Word?

The loss of a church has an impact well beyond the congregation. Our church building is over 110 years old, and at this age, demands a lot of help and support.

At every Divine Liturgy we pray for “our memorable founders and benefactors of this holy church.” [Prayer of the Great Entrance]. Over the years our ancestors made great sacrifices to ensure that the church they left us stood the test of time. They attended and supported our parish faithfully and financially, and did so enthusiastically. God bless them!

We're called to open our hearts, and show the same devotion as those that came before us and ensure that our church stands the test of time.

In 2020, we made major repairs to the church floor and installed new carpeting. Recently, it was noticed that there was damage to the interior of the church in the area of the choir loft. Since the choir loft is no longer being used because of safety concerns, damage caused by a water leak became significant before being noticed. This damage is at the front of the church under the bell tower and roof parapets (the walls that extend above the roof line).

We are proceeding with the work to correct the water leak, make our church structurally sound, and repair the brickwork and interior of the church where the damage occurred.

We invite you to prayerfully consider donating to this project. When you make a gift, you invest in the future of St. Mary’s parish, inviting countless faithful to encounter Christ in our church and each other.

Thank you! May God grant you many blessed years! Mnohaja i blahaja l’ita!

+Father Mykhaylo Prodanets, Pastor

and Saint Mary’s Parish Advisory Council

Pledge by Check

Print and fill out a pledge card and make checks payable to “St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church” with “2025 Water Damage Repair Project” in the memo. Mail to St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church, 321 Chestnut Avenue, Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704.

About Online Giving

You can read more about giving online through Tithe.ly by clicking here.

We use Tithe.ly to accept donations using credit or debit cards or ACH bank transfer. You can give by clicking the button below, and through the Tithe.ly mobile app.

Tithe.ly charges a processing fee on your donation (Credit/Debit Card: 2.9% + .30¢, ACH/Bank: 1% + .30¢, Amex: 3.5% + .30¢). When you donate, you can click “Cover Fees” to cover these processing fees. When you choose to cover the fees, your total gift is increased, so that we receive your desired amount. If you were to donate $100 on a Visa card, for example, and did not choose to cover the fees, you’d be charged $100 and our church would receive a deposit of $96.80. If you did choose to cover the fees, you’d be charged $103.30 and our church would receive a deposit of $100.

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  • Securely store your payment method (so you don’t have to type it out each time)
  • See your giving history
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An account will let you:
  • Securely store your payment method (so you don’t have to type it out each time)
  • See your giving history
  • Manage your account 24/7

In order to use the Tithe.ly mobile app, an account is required.